It’s the end of March, when cheerful Spring time is supposed to replace the cold winter. Alas, in many parts of the world, mine included, winter is so persistent to stay longer than usual. But every winter must end, and spring is finally coming! You can just stop nature…
Earlier this month though, nature brought a catastrophe at unbelievable scale to the resilient people in Japan. So many lives destroyed within minutes and the aftermath brought utterly terrible suffering, made even much worse by man made nuclear disaster. It’s just beyond believe – and my heart goes out to them. You can make donations to help them through some reliable organizations. Remember: Every little bit counts!
On a cheerier note, we have a brand new Z!Girl, in case you haven’t notice! Get to know her and read about an impromptu outing on Ztampfilicious Blog:
Give Hope
Brand New Z!Girl
Saturday Night Outing
Have you seen the latest ztampfilicious things? Check these out:

Festive, unique and adventurous, full of feelings and life… You’ll love this Lumiere Paper Pack with its brilliant playful colors! Many versatile uses for them: party, celebration, art journal, music concert, dance shows, carnivals, teenager, bon fire events, and more!

Create various dreamy looks on your photos quickly and easily with the brand new Hipstagramix Dreamy Set, a perfect companion to the Hipstagramix Grunge Set below. Instantly create hip and cool photos like those created with various popular apps in the iPhone!

Warm yourself with the flaming backgrounds in this Furnace PaperPack!

Inspiration: the action or power of moving/influencing the intellect or emotions.
Inspirations can be found anywhere, and it could motivate us in our daily life. Two weeks ago, a day after the tsunami that has smashed Japan, I bought a stem of flower. It has white small blossoms with very faint fragrance – barely registered. But it looked so pretty and dainty on its thick sturdy green stem. I just fell in love with it. It was HK$18 – or about US$2.30; not cheap for a single stem, but it is definitely worth it!
Watching the buds growing and blossoming somehow gives me hopes for Japan. Somehow, this little flower became a symbol of hope for Japan for me. It is called Ornithogalum. Every day, I watched the little buds getting bigger and then blossomed into pretty little white flowers. When I first got it, there was just one full blossom with another one was in progress. The following days, more buds were blossoming. It keeps on blossoming after 2 weeks now! Pretty amazing eh. And it’s so pretty too. Notice how the buds on the top were growing and then blossoming while the first blooms are now shrivelling down. Regeneration. Life prevails. Life goes on. There is hope. Always.

Background paper: Lumiere PaperPack, Lace: BeLaced Kit, Tabs: Adventouriste Journaler. All by Studio Ztampf!
A small thing of beauty can be so meaningful. Do you have similar experience? What inspires you?
Let’s see what else we have in Studio Ztampf! to welcome Spring – many are on sale too right now:

The fun set of Pinned Petals above is very versatile to add a cheerful springy feel to you projects.
Who doesn’t take delights in blowing bubbles? This is so fun to use, many playful possibilities with all the provided elements:

Flowers are started to bloom and more will do as the weather gets warmer. Butterflies and birds fluttering happily amongst the colorful flowers in the Paper Park Kit: 
If you haven’t got this Bohemian Rhapsody, you really should take a closer look. It is one of my all-time-favorite! Bohemian Rhapsody Package Saving with BONUS is also available!

Find more unique and beautiful Spring-related things at the shop by entering the keyword “spring” in the Search field there! Or just go to the Spring Section under Studio Ztampf!
If you missed it, it’s not too late to grab some pretty things from the Valentine Blog Train:
Well, if you are a fan of Ztampf! Digital Artistry at Facebook, you should have received the Update Message with the coupon to download this fun Socialite Kit for free – the only way to get this kit because it is not for sale! So just hit the Like Button to become a fan and get the Socialite Kit (plus some more goodies!).
Now, last but not least… Your Special Coupon to get 25% OFF on your next purchase at Studio Ztampf! It is valid for anything in the shop, including Professional Use Licenses – through Thursday, March 31st 2011. Don’t miss it! Use Code: zpringit25.
But wait! For those new to Ztampf!, Ztampfever or Ztampf! at Facebook… Do you want a free, exclusive kit not available anywhere else? This kit is inspired by Facebook – obviously, but it is also versatile for many other ocassions.
Well, if you are a fan of Ztampf! Digital Artistry at Facebook, you should have received the Update Message with the coupon to download this fun Socialite Kit for free – the only way to get this kit because it is not for sale! So just hit the Like Button to become a fan and get the Socialite Kit (plus some more goodies!).
That’s it for now, folks! I hope you enjoy this little Ztampfever so far! If you have any comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know by e-mail, or Ztampf! Facebook Page. Thank you!
And don’t forget to use your special coupon above ;)