August 10th, 2010
Lookie here… this cute little rebel of a nephew! If you like this layout, you can download it as a QuickPage here and use your own photo and write your own notes there. It is created with the brand new Fly Rebel Fly Mini Kit available at Studio Ztampf! Enjoy!

P.S. Did you know that there are many free samplers that you can download from Ztampf! site? You can no longer shop there but you can still download the free samplers and gifts :). To shop for ztampfilicious goodness, just head over to Studio Ztampf!
August 6th, 2010
Scrumptiously grungy and rebellious with metal wings buckle, stitched leather belt and wings, rusty tags and slide holder, semi-translucent journaling page with loosed stitching and more… Fly Rebel Fly Mini Kit is just perfect to scrap about teenagers and those elating exhilarating uplifting moments in your life while versatile enough for about just anything else in between!
Now available at Studio Ztampf!:

An exclusive 20% OFF Discount Coupon to purchase the matching Fly Rebel Fly Templates from Studio Dutchie is also included with this kit! Be sure to check it out!