Oooh… Another Day is here! Take a look:
For the Best Deal, just go for the Package Saving:
See how we have used Another Day for a variety of themes in these layouts:
Need more inspirations? Head over to Ztampf! Gallery at SBG!
Oooh… Another Day is here! Take a look:
For the Best Deal, just go for the Package Saving:
See how we have used Another Day for a variety of themes in these layouts:
Need more inspirations? Head over to Ztampf! Gallery at SBG!
3 brand NEW cool stuff for you to scrap about those dark bleak moments in life… be it big or small, world-wide or personal, of grave consequences or much much lighter ones… Now available at Studio Ztampf!
A traveling edition – published early while I have a reliable internet connection:
What’s Up? |
I’m having an adventure on a 6-week journey so this would be a very brief edition. But guess what: I have something for you! Just click on the image below to download it! It is a “Bon Voyage” stamps in three finishes:
If I could get a good internet connection next week, you can expect to see Structure Kit and Structure Add-On Pack available at Studio Ztampf! in SBG. So please wish me luck with it *smile*. |
Coming up on the following week afterwards would be the Robokit Series – I know many of you have been expecting it for sometimes now *wink*. That’s all for now! I hope you’ll enjoy using the “Bon Voyage” stamps! Ztampfest | Ztampfever | Ztampfaqs | Behind The Scenes | Ztampf! | Studio Ztampf! |
So for those of you prefer to get just some bits and pieces from the Adventouriste Collection, the first batch of individual packs are now available at Studio Ztampf! @ SBG:
This is what started it all… the wings! Adventouriste Wingz:
Some of the wings included here are from my own original artworks! Particularly precious are the porcelain wings – they are called “Soaring” and are part of my art installation entitled ‘flight‘ which marked my comeback to the contemporary art world in early 2005 after a decade of hiatus. It was a successful exhibition in many ways.
In 2007, the remaining parts of ‘flight‘ was selected to be shown in the International Ceramic Biennale in Korea. To my surprise, at the end of the biennale they decided to purchase ‘flight‘ for their permanent collection! Of course I’d just have to say yes *smile*. It’s just that I haven’t said good bye to the wings! The wings have flown and never to come back to me again! But… I hope they are happy in their new home and that it enables more people to enjoy them.
And then in 2008 I received an email from Mr. Emmanuel Cooper – which at first I thought was a prank because I knew his name and his works; I used his books on ceramic when I was studying in the university ages ago! He is a renown ceramicists and his books are widely read by ceramic artists worldwide so who am I to get an email from him? But no, as it turned out, it wasn’t a prank at all. He was writing a book on contemporary ceramic and would like to have some photos of ‘flight‘ included in the book! Yay! The book “Contemporary Ceramics” by Emmanuel Cooper has been published by Thames and Hudson in the fall of 2009. They have unfortunately misspelled my name (omitting the ‘h’ between f and u) and placed Korea instead of Hong Kong as the city where I live. Oh well! We all make mistakes, including giant publishers like Thames and Hudson *smile*. But of course, I feel so honored to have my works there and I am truly humbled by most of the works also shown in the book. There are so many talented artists out there!
The bright orange wings here are made from copper wire-mesh which I cut and shaped into pairs of wings. Originally they were housed inside some bottles – there are 9 bottles total (my poor husband had to drink all the content which happened to be a not-so-great-tasting wine!) and they are part of the ‘flight‘ installation. They are entitled “Self-Exiled 2“. The ambassador of Mexico to Indonesia has acquired this piece when it was shown in a group art exhibition in Jakarta in 2009. So these wings have flown away too!
Now, I made these metal wings for a mascot for my latest art project, the “Dream Archives” that was shown in my solo art exhibition “Corporeal Dream” in Nov.-Dec. 2009. They are made from copper and aluminum sheets, and I used rivets (eyelets) to join the pieces together. Love me some metal! These wings stay home though. They are perched on our door – guarding the peep hole *smile*.
The big paper wings are made out of my drawing, they are residing quietly in my sketch book. The dragonfly wings are 100% digitally created by myself. The rest of the wings are mostly made from photographs that I took myself – then digitally worked (as are others) into what you will receive in the “Adventouriste Wingz“! I hope you will enjoy playing with these wings for your various projects… there are so many styles here from angelic to mythical (dragons?) to nature and (almost) everything in between!
And here are the other four packs that are now waiting for you at Studio Ztampf! @ SBG:
And here are some more fantastic layouts done by the fabulous Z!Girls:
by Amson
by Tracy
by Lynn
Enjoy!!! And drop by to this blog tomorrow – I have an introduction to make *smile*.