August 26th, 2010 | No Comments »

Now Ztampf! CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit is also available in Scandinavian Languages:

Weeks start on Monday!
Days of the Week: M  T  O  T  F  L  S
Months are provided in Norsk (No)/Svenska (Sv)/Dansk (Da)
(Januar, Februar, Mars, Marts, April, Mai, Maj, Juni, Juli, August, Augusti, September, Oktober, November, December, Desember)

Great for super special gifts that last the whole year and then some! Create fully customized keepsakes to give for Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Days, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Just Because…

Created using various recent ztampfilicious kits, the Ztampf! CraftyCalendar Kit 2010 comes with so much goodies to give you a greater flexibility in creating your very own unique calendars.

Remember that the 30% OFF Discount Coupon given in the Ztampfever #58.2 is valid for all versions of the Ztampf! CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit! The coupon is good through end of this month, so don’t miss out!

Get yours now.



Posted in What's New?, Z!matter