Now Ztampf! CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit is also available in Scandinavian Languages:
Weeks start on Monday!
Days of the Week: M T O T F L S
Months are provided in Norsk (No)/Svenska (Sv)/Dansk (Da)
(Januar, Februar, Mars, Marts, April, Mai, Maj, Juni, Juli, August, Augusti, September, Oktober, November, December, Desember)
Great for super special gifts that last the whole year and then some! Create fully customized keepsakes to give for Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Days, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Just Because…
Created using various recent ztampfilicious kits, the Ztampf! CraftyCalendar Kit 2010 comes with so much goodies to give you a greater flexibility in creating your very own unique calendars.
Remember that the 30% OFF Discount Coupon given in the Ztampfever #58.2 is valid for all versions of the Ztampf! CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit! The coupon is good through end of this month, so don’t miss out!
Get yours now.
Yup! Ztampf! CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit is now also available in
Global English, Deutsch and Française – with weeks start on Monday!
You can start early creating your super special holiday gifts for those special people in your life now. This is a gift that will last a whole year and then get treasured for years to come!
See what’s included in the kit:
Remember that the 30% OFF Discount Coupon given in the Ztampfever #58.2 is valid for all versions of the Ztampf! CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit! The coupon is good through end of this month, so don’t miss out! Get yours now.
Brand New Ztampf! CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit is finally here! |
Start early in preparing super special gifts for your loved ones this holiday season with Ztampf! CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit! Currently availabe in US English with weeks start on Sunday. Global English and other languages with weeks start on Sunday will be available very soon – so make sure you follow Ztampf! on Twitter or Facebook to find out about firsthand! |
Of course I have a special Discount Coupon for you! Use this code CraftyCalEarlies to receive 30% OFF when you purchase the Ztampf! CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit before this month is ended. Enjoy this benefit! Aaand… Remember to tell all your fellow Ztampf! lovers to join Ztampf!@ Facebook. When we reach 500 fans, every single member of Ztampf! @Facebook will receive an Exclusive Mini Kit not available anywhere else! We are getting closer so go on and invite your fellow Ztampf!lovers to Ztampf! @Facebook. |
Ztampfest | Ztampfever | Ztampfaqs | Behind The Scenes | Studio Ztampf! |
Have you been to SBG blog recently? It’s Studio Ztampf! PlayDay – so many fantastic layouts featured there for your inspiration! Go take a look and enjoy the little gift from me there ;).
SBG’s 7th Birthday Bash is going strong with more and more fun surprises for you!
Make sure you join SBG @ Facebook to enjoy the Summer Soiree Starter Kit!
Here is a lil’ peek for you showing my part of the Summer Soiree Starter Kit! Like it? Want it?
Then join SBG @ Facebook to get the complete Starter Kit!
Don’t forget to join Ztampf! @ Facebook too:
when we reach 500 fans, every single fan will receive a brand new,
exclusive mini kit not available anywhere else!
So spread the word, will ya ;)
See you there!
In a perfect world, I would be unveiling the new CraftyCalendar 2011 Kit here today! Alas, time flies faster than I expected it to so you’ll have to wait until the Part 2 of the Ztampfever #58 for it (and for the Special Coupon for it!). Most probably by next weekend! Meanwhile… Have you heard about the GOLDEN OLDIES Sale at SBG running from Aug. 13th to Aug. 19th? I have released the revamped and improved Antiquest Series at 70% OFF and the mega bundle Tiny Ensembles Galore at 65% OFF – and put together a special FabulousFour Bundle at 50% OFF for you there! These are Super Saving Offers you wouldn’t want to miss: Be sure to check them out now while the Super Saving Offer is still valid. The FabulousFOUR Bundle comes with a gift of 20% OFF Discount Coupon too! What a deal eh! Enjoy! Do you love challenges? Have fun mix’n matching stuff from various designers with this new fun Challenge at SBG – and get a ztampfilicious Posting Bonus while at it too: |
Have you seen the cool new If you haven’t visited Ztampfilicious Blog lately, you might want to drop by to this post where I have a free QuickPage for you done with the Fly Rebel Fly Mini Kit! Get inspired by these gorgeous layouts done by the Z!Girls – they never cease to amaze me with their creativity! Do you have layouts done exclusively with Ztampf! products that you particularly love? I would love to see them! Email me and I’ll feature them in the Ztampfilicious Blog! |
Visit SBG Blog on Monday, August 16th (US Time) – it is Studio Ztampf! Play Day over there and you will get to play with a little something I have prepared for you! So be sure to visit it and enjoy the small but ztampfilicious gift :). Aaand… Remember to tell all your fellow Ztampf! lovers to join Ztampf!@ Facebook. When we reach 500 fans, every single member of Ztampf! @Facebook will receive an Exclusive Mini Kit not available anywhere else! We are getting closer so go on and invite your fellow Ztampf!lovers to Ztampf! @Facebook. |
Have you heard? As part of SBG 7th Anniversary Celebration, the Studio Girls are offering irresistible Golden Oldies that you wouldn’t want to miss! You will really get a lot for your precious bucks! Come and see what I have put together for you in Studio Ztampf!
The timeless Antiquest has been revamped and improved to give you even more goodies and options: The Antiquest Add-On Kit is now included in the Antiquest Kit which has been revamped and improved. The popular Antiquest AlphaSet now has separate 5 various stitches so you can use the alpha with and without the stitches. Plus, you can combine or mix’n match the stitches for an even more varied looks! This Package Saving also includes newly composed Ensembles and QuickPage Album Sets.
The Antiquest is great for various themes including spring, babies, romance, weddings, anniversaries, heritage and more! You will have a lot of fun and pleasant surprises in using this sort of DIY kit! 17 of the 22 papers are ‘solid’ with the subtle fabric-like texture. With the 10 unique overlays provided, you can create many ‘patterned’ papers. Mix’n match them, play with the transparency levels, get creative – you’ll be rewarded with uniquely yours patterned papers! Likewise, you can put together your own unique elements by dressing them up with the crystal and pearl jewels provided, or combine two or more elements together. Take a look at the Ensembles and QuickPage to see some samples.
And now it is on SUPER SPECIAL 70% OFF for the Golden Oldies through 19.08.2010 only! So don’t miss it!
But wait… I have two more SUPER SPECIAL OFFERS for the Golden Oldies:
These Tiny Ensembles and QuickPages are versatile with timeless designs to use for card-making, mini albums, hybrid crafts and even 12″x12″ layouts too! So here they are – made available for everyone who wants these versatile little gems in one huge bundled saving! And yes, just for the Golden Oldies it is now 65% OFF! It’s a fabulous steal that you will find many uses for!
Finally, for those new to Ztampf! who wanted a taste before jumping in, here is the FabulousFour Bundle – another fantastic steal at 50% OFF (PLUS a gift of 20% OFF Discount Coupon!) which is available ONLY during the Golden Oldies, that is from now through August 19th. So make sure to check it out!
These ever popular kits happened to be some of my all time favorites too. There are ample of unique and versatile beautiful things in these kits that you’ll find yourself reaching for again and again:
Complementing products for each kit are also available: AlphaSets, Ensembles, QuickPage Albums – plus Accents Pack and Paper Pack for Ghostown.
OK, NOW you can go Ztampf!Shopping ;)
Lookie here… this cute little rebel of a nephew! If you like this layout, you can download it as a QuickPage here and use your own photo and write your own notes there. It is created with the brand new Fly Rebel Fly Mini Kit available at Studio Ztampf! Enjoy!
P.S. Did you know that there are many free samplers that you can download from Ztampf! site? You can no longer shop there but you can still download the free samplers and gifts :). To shop for ztampfilicious goodness, just head over to Studio Ztampf!
My stay as an Artist in Residence at Vermont Studio Center back in 2008 is still one of the most exciting, most memorable time in my life so far. Here are two photographs that always make me smile and transport me back to the unforgettable Open Studio Night… My new Fly Rebel Fly is just perfect to scrap them with!
VSC is situated in a charming small town on Johnson in Vermont. It was such an elating experience, so different from my life in metropolis Hong Kong…
Scrumptiously grungy and rebellious with metal wings buckle, stitched leather belt and wings, rusty tags and slide holder, semi-translucent journaling page with loosed stitching and more… Fly Rebel Fly Mini Kit is just perfect to scrap about teenagers and those elating exhilarating uplifting moments in your life while versatile enough for about just anything else in between!
Now available at Studio Ztampf!:
An exclusive 20% OFF Discount Coupon to purchase the matching Fly Rebel Fly Templates from Studio Dutchie is also included with this kit! Be sure to check it out!