Ztampf! Digiscraptistry by Lie Fhung
Ztampf! Digiscraptistry by Lie Fhung
Ztampf! Digiscraptistry by Lie Fhung

Ztampf! is turning FOUR today...

and I would like to thank all of you Ztampf! customers who have made it possible for Ztampf! to stay around all these years! Recent months have been tough, but I am looking forward to more ztampfilicious years ahead with all of you :).

My apologies that I don't have any new products ready to celebrate Ztampf! 4th Anniversary as most of my time and energy these days have been absorbed in finishing the artworks for my upcoming solo art exhibition this fall in my hometown, Jakarta, Indonesia. Here on this page I am giving you a peek into some of the latest works that I have done for it. A lot more are still in progress!

I do hope you are enjoying the Ztampf! QUADRUPLE SHOPPING SPREE! For those of you who have missed the first announcement about it, don't worry: I have decided to extend the celebration through Friday, September 18! Spread this good news to your friends so they can take advantage of this super rare deal too :).

And I did manage to create a small gift set for you, consists of three new background papers and three ensembles that are particularly great for fall projects. You can mix and match them; they are also individually versatile to use with stuff from various other kits. Hope you like the gift! Enjoy!

Don't forget that there is still time to participate in the Universal Scrapbooks Project if you wish! You don't have to be an artist, anyone is welcome! Just click here to learn more on how you can have a little bit of your dream reincarnated in the new KOLO Kaji Albums as part of the artwork to be shown in my upcoming solo art exhibition this fall!

For now... go ahead and take full benefit of the Ztampf! QUADRUPLE SHOPPING SPREE!

Ztampf! Digiscraptistry by Lie Fhung